Check out this article about experiments manipulating time in the Washington Post!

Ezra Jack Keats won the Caldecott Medal for The Snowy Day the same year Madeleine L’Engle won the Newbery for A Wrinkle in Time. 1962 was quite a year for books that broke new ground! This article is about a new museum exhibit that looks fabulous.

Read this article in Publishers Weekly about the anniversary plans. How will you celebrate?

A reread of Madeleine L’Engle’s work by Mari Ness as part of a celebration of the 50 year anniversary of the first appearance of A Wrinkle in Time, covering a number of L’Engle’s novels, including some (though not all) of her mainstream novels, and reflecting on a number of themes — particularly physics and Christian […]

Hello, readers. Welcome to the new Madeleine L’Engle website. We are new to blogging, so please let us know what you’re interested in hearing about and what you think of the site. We look forward to sharing all kinds of information with you about the 50th anniversary of A Wrinkle in Time in February 2012, […]